I went to Inle lake in Myanmar to enjoy the Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda Festival in October, 2010.
This festival is the largest one to be held around Inle Lake, and takes place each year at the end of the rainy season, as the dry season begins, around the time of the full moon. During the festival, four Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda’s Buddhas are placed on a golden boat which represents Karaweik-the legendary bird, and sailed around Inle Lake to visit the 20 villages on the lake and around lakeside.
I learned about this festival five years ago, but this year was the first time I was able to actually visit, and see for myself how special a day it is for them.

November 19, 2010
This festival is the largest one to be held around Inle Lake, and takes place each year at the end of the rainy season, as the dry season begins, around the time of the full moon. Large numbers of visitors come to the festival, both from within Myanmar and overseas.
There are five statues of Buddha which are considered to have mystic powers at Phaung-daw-oo, and over the years they have lost their shape and turned into gold spheres, as believers have stuck gold leaf to them. During the festival, four of these Buddhas are placed on a golden boat which represents Karaweik-the legendary bird, and sailed around Inle Lake to visit the 20 villages on the lake and around lakeside. On the final day, when the Buddhas are returned to Phaung-daw-oo, the festival reaches its climax with a traditional Inle boat race in front of the Pagoda.
I learned about this festival five years ago, but this year was the first time I was able to actually visit, and see for myself how special a day it is for them.

This time next week, I will be in lake Inle, Myanmar.
I will get special holiday (that the employee has completed a service period of 20 years) from October 22th to the 30th. I’m looking forward to seeing them again and taking their photos.
I did my packing today. This time, my shooting equipments are following.
-Rolleiflex 2.8F
60 Tmax 400(120) films
-EOS 5D mark2, EF50mm/f1.4, EF70-200mm/f4L IS, EF24-105mm/f4L IS, Speed light(430EX)
CF card 8GBx3, 16GB, 4GBx2
-Tripod, exposure meter, reflection board etc.

October 16, 2010
One morning, I woke early and left the hotel to go to the south of the lake. As the boat made its way down the water, we came across a mystical landscape swathed in morning mist.
These people are the Intha, who are fishermen. They have to fish early in order to get a catch. They are not restricted by time, but rather start work as the sun begins to come up.

I went to Myanmar Embassy in Tokyo to put in tourist VISA yesterday with valued friend who lives in Bangkok and introduced me Myanmar.
He has a long association with Myanmar Ambassador to Japan. So we met him and talked each other yesterday.
I was glad he remember me. I’ve met him 2 times for 3 years. And I presented my Photographs which was taken in Myanmar and exhibit before to him.
He seemed to be delighted with my photos. He is very cheerful and friendly.
If things go well, I’ll have a chance to exhibit my Photos this Winter.
I will go to there again next week to get VISA.
This photograph was taken near the Market in Yangon.

September 23, 2010